Frequently Asked Questions

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How much does it cost to engage your services?

It usually depends on your requirements, but you can view our pricing table to get a rough sensing of our rates.

We also offer free consultations to discuss your project in detail and a customised quotation aligned with your specific needs and goals.

Request for a quotation

What kind of video production services do you provide?

We do everything from pre-production to production to post-production. At the moment, we do not provide distribution services (e.g. posting it on social media and reporting marketing metrics).

Why is video production so expensive?

For those new to the world of video production and filmmaking, the expenses involved can often appear overwhelming. Due to the number of professionals required from end-to-end, such as the scriptwriter, director, producer, cinematographer, location sound recordist, editor, and colourist, video production is a labour-intensive process. 

Additionally, there are costs associated with hiring talents for your video and obtaining permits for desired locations.

At Hatched Productions, we strive to accommodate your budgetary constraints while ensuring access to industry-standard production equipment and software and a highly-skilled crew. Working closely together, we are confident that we can deliver exceptional results for your brand.

Why are the rates for different vendors for video production so different?

Depending on the size of the company, the overhead costs can vary significantly, given the number of people in the video production team. As a smaller team, we are more agile and flexible when it comes to our clients' needs.

At the same time, we have access to a pool of experienced freelancers to tap on should your project be on a larger scale.

How long does it take to create a video?

We have successfully completed projects of varying complexity ranging from one week to over three months in duration. For a smoother production process, we recommend booking our services at least two months before your projected delivery date. 

This timeframe will afford both you and us the necessary preparation time to guarantee exceptional quality in your final video production.

What are your payment terms?

Payment is to be made within 30 days after our invoice date.

We prefer phased payments: the first 20% of the agreed fee to be paid upfront upon acceptance of project, the next 30% to be paid upon completion of filming, and the remaining 50% upon acceptance of the final video(s). Of course, this is always negotiable depending on your company's needs.
